Aside from adding more value and beauty to your property, swimming pools also serve as a great place to enjoy and have fun with your family during summer. Backyard pools differ in design, shape and material depending on how it fits on the overall feel of your home. Here are some things to consider when putting up a backyard pool.
Swimming pools sure do cost something. Of course bigger pools are more expensive than smaller ones but the material used also counts on the pricing. It can vary from fibreglass, concrete, tile or vinyl. Concrete pools are the most expensive types but are also more durable than other material. In-ground pools are also more costly than above ground mainly because of the excavation expenses. Homeowners typically save up a budget of around $50,000 but you can mix and match different options to save.
Pool Types
There are 2 common types of swimming pools: in-ground and above ground pools. In-ground pools are dug into the ground while the latter is simply constructed above the ground. The main factor to consider when choosing a pool type for your home is space. If you want an in-ground pool, make sure that the depth of excavation won’t cause problems in groundwater supply. Above ground pools are popular among homeowners since they don’t have to worry about the property being dug out. Make sure to hire professional pool installers no matter what type you like to get it done the right way.
Pool Sanitation
Maintaining the cleanliness of a pool is essential to keep the swimmers safe. There are different options of pool sanitation with chlorine as the most popular choice. Chorine keeps your pool free from bacteria and algae that accumulate in the water. Saltwater pools contain saline water that works the same way as chlorine without releasing many chemicals into the environment. Mineral water pools keep algae and bacteria at bay with the use of disinfecting materials. Keeping your pool water clean is important for the health of the swimmers especially when you have kids playing on it too.
Pool Maintenance
The process doesn’t stop on pool installation; you need to set aside some budget for scheduled pool maintenance to keep your pool at its best condition. Cleaning and debris clearing should be frequently done to make your pool safe to swim at. Aside from that, the heating system should be checked from time to time for defects. You also need to get your pool vacuumed and brushed at some point. Leak detection and cleaning of filters should also be done regularly. Your pool should also be closed and winterized to preserve it when freezing temperatures come. Always remember that regular pool maintenance makes the process a lot easier and faster to get done.
Home swimming pools are fun additions to your property. Contact a professional pool installer to know which kind suits your home and to be assured of a perfectly done pool.